History of changes

v1.8.1 (2024-01-28)

Enhanced: counter of new tasks is disabled by default, enable it in settings
Enhanced: little UI changes and fixes in extensions
Enhanced: updated German translation (thanks to Dr. Tobias Quathamer, GH-80)
Fixed: failed to upgrade installations with database v1.4 (GH-85)
Fixed: alltasks tab was not filled if new list with tasks was created in another session
Fixed: counter of new tasks was not displayed (hope definitively)
All commits

v1.8.0 (2023-11-30)

Added: reverse order for manual sorting to add new tasks at top
Enhanced: can select month and year in duedate picker
Enhanced: autoswitching to dark mode uses link's media property instead of js
Fixed: do not use REST API for better compatibility with some server configurations
Fixed: UI fixes for RTL localisations
Fixed: counter of new tasks was not working in old browsers (like Chrome 49)
All commits

v1.8-beta2 (2023-10-02)

Enhanced: task highlighting by tag is disabled (deprecated now)
Fixed: counter of new tasks failed in some cases
All commits

v1.8-beta (2023-09-14)

Added: support of PostgreSQL database, v10.0+ (in beta status yet)
Added: use custom collation in sqlite for tag name and task title (for utf8 case-insensitive search)
Added: search for task in sqlite by normalized value (no diacritics) (recommended to install Intl php extension)
Added: use utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci collation for mysql columns (requires MySQL 5.6+ or MariaDB 10.0+)
Added: open task viewer in mobile style on click on task title
Added: badge on tabs with counter of newly created tasks (updated every 60 sec) (GH-5, GH-25)
Added: support of duedate in smart syntax using format @duedate or !duedate in the end of task (examples: @1d, @25.12, @monday) (GH-26)
Added: backup extension (can create backups in xml format and restore from backup, as well as fix some db issues)
Added: setting for compulsory dark theme (GH-70)
Added: setting to show exact due date (instead of relative) in tasklist (GH-19)
Added: setting to show date inline (GH-56)
Enhanced: do not strikethrough completed tasks
Enhanced: can close task editor on esc key
Enhanced: display "No tags" in tag cloud if no tags created
Enhanced: jQuery updated to latest v3.7.1
Enhanced: UI fixes
Enhanced: save the state of show notes on click with Cmd/Ctrl
Enhanced: can set mail from in notifications extension
Fixed: better font look in modal dialogs (was weird in safari)
All commits

v1.7.6 (2023-09-14)

Fixed: Updater extension failed to update to v1.8
All commits

v1.7.5 (2023-09-12)

Enhanced: updated German translation (thanks to Dr. Tobias Quathamer) (GH-68)
Fixed: escape html characters in tags where required
Fixed: now open links in markdown notes in new window (GH-72)
Fixed: Updater extension failed to update to v1.7.4
All commits

v1.7.4 (2023-08-06)

Enhanced: jQuery updated to latest v3.6.4
Enhanced: small UI fixes in settings
Enhanced: updated Polish translation (thanks to Marcin R Martin)
Enhanced: updated Dutch translation (thanks to J.C.Barnhoorn) (GH-53)
Enhanced: updated Chinese Simplified translation (thanks to xhemj)
Enhanced: updated Persian translation (thanks to Saeb Khanzadeh)
Enhanced: updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks to Rafael da Silva Carrasco) (GH-63)
Enhanced: show notice in notification extension if allow_url_fopen directive is off
Enhanced: extension settings page can have no bottom buttons
Fixed: malfunction in setup with proxy (GH-52,GH-65)
Fixed: removed deprecation notices in PHP 8.2
Fixed: show default (english) localization in extension if required language file is not present in extension
All commits

v1.7.3 (2022-11-29)

Added: extension for updates
Added: extension for custom css
Enhanced: search is case-insensitive for non-latin characters in sqlite database
Enhanced: do not remember last used list for readonly users (GH-47)
Enhanced: use custom appearance for select elements
Enhanced: little ui updates
Fixed: do not use PATH_INFO for http api (useful in nginx setup)
Fixed: do not scroll to top if modal dialog is open

v1.7.2 (2022-11-03)

Fixed: unable to update database v1.4 while setup in v1.7.1 (GH-44)

v1.7.1 (2022-11-03)

Enhanced: additional checks in setup and passwordless installations to avoid CSRF
Fixed: failed to sort by hand on mobile devices (GH-43)
Fixed: notice and warning in settings about uninitialized var

v1.7.0 (2022-10-22)

Added: minimal support of extensions
Added: extension for notifications to e-mail and telegram
Added: can enable/disable showing a time of task date in tasklist
Enhanced: remember last opened list in browser storage
Enhanced: can force to use https (useful if mytinytodo used with https reverse proxy)
Enhanced: UI fixes in tag cloud
Enhanced: can show tags from all lists in tag cloud (and task edit)
Enhanced: added tag cloud in all tasks list
Enhanced: jQuery updated to latest v3.6.1
Fixed: tag autocomplete not working in create task form
Fixed: expired and unremoved session breaks the work
Fixed: "show completed tasks" checkbox was working incorrectly (thanks to Brad Nathan)

v1.7-beta (2022-08-18)

Added: support of Markdown syntax in notes (can be disabled in settings)
Added: responsive design, no separate switch to mobile theme, UI facelifting
Added: settings are now saved in database, configuration of database connection is written to config.php while setup
Added: sessions are now stored in database
Added: support of dark mode
Added: ability to set feed key to be able to get RSS or Export feed from non-public lists
Added: can use #NUMBER to make a link to the task by id in markdown note
Enhanced: redesigned login form
Enhanced: use custom dialogs for alert, confirmation and prompt instead of system ones
Enhanced: now escape key closes a menu
Enhanced: move list with All Tasks to the left side
Enhanced: the hidden state, show completed state and sort order of the list with All Tasks are preserved now
Enhanced: list with All Tasks is inaccessible for a non-authenticated user (if protected with password)
Enhanced: added RSS feed of task changes (feed=status)
Enhanced: Mysql database now uses utf8mb4 charset
Enhanced: password is stored as hash
Enhanced: added "Share" submenu where moved actions of list export and publishing
Enhanced: PHP errors are not displayed by default, have to set environment variable to enable
Enhanced: show inline 'date edited' in tasklist instead of 'date created' if sorting is selected 'by date modified'
Enhanced: use favicon
Enhanced: jQuery UI updated to latest v1.13.2
Enhanced: compatibility with PHP 8.2
Breaking: PHP 7.2 or greater is required
Breaking: support of Internet Explorer is dropped

v1.6.10 (2022-05-03)

Enhanced: jQuery UI updated to latest v1.13.1
Bug fix: tasklist context menu was not displayed on iOS in mobile style

v1.6.9 (2022-04-15)

Bug fix: error when script title was non-utf8 encoded
Bug fix: error when language file has incorrect JSON format

v1.6.8 (2022-01-10)

Added: compatibility with PHP 8.1

v1.6.7 (2021-09-22)

Bug fix: infinite loading icon
Bug fix: functionality of v1.6.6 was broken on some webserver configurations

v1.6.6 (2021-09-21)

Enhanced: jQuery updated to latest v3.6.0
Enhanced: stability improvements and fixes

v1.6.5 (2021-06-27)

Fixed: errors while setup in PHP 8.0

v1.6.4 (2021-04-19)

Added: compatibility with PHP 8.0

v1.6.3 (2020-10-19)

Enhanced: show placeholder while tab grabbing
Enhanced: add "Hide list" command to the list menu

v1.6.2 (2020-10-14)

Enhanced: Helvetica Neue is default font now instead of Helvetica
Enhanced: disable inline edit of note in mobile theme
Bug fix: incorrect footer view in mobile browsers (Firefox for Android on GeckoView still has issues with floating bottoms. Use v82 with bottom toolbar or v68)
Bug fix: no urls for rss and export in ie8 theme
Bug fix: fixed other issues with UI in different cases

v1.6.1 (2020-10-03)

Enhanced: drag-n-drop sorting works in mobile theme
Enhanced: mobile theme has style for printing
Enhanced: do not use server port while MTT Url detection (set the url in config file if required)
Enhanced: disable autocomplete for task title while edit or create a task
Bugfix: remove unnecessary error_log()
Bugfix: wrong icon direction in select list button in rtl style

v1.6 (2020-09-27)

Added: Facelifted default theme (increased font size, new icons in SVG format, animations)
Added: Support of PHP v7.4
Enhanced: translation files has json format
Enhanced: jQuery updated to latest v3.5.1
Enhanced: jQuery UI updated to latest v1.12.1
Enhanced: auto-switch to mobile version
Enhanced: added 3 new strings for translation
Enhanced: changes in directory structure
Enhanced: now shows list name in print style
Enhanced: tag filters moved upper
Enhanced: added ie8 theme for compatibility with old browsers
Enhanced: use browser history while tab switching
Enhanced: can search task by its id using #id syntax
Enhanced: newly created list shows completed tasks by default
Enhanced: click with Cmd and Ctrl on tag in tagcloud will exclude the tag (like in tasklist)
Enhanced: show full year in short date format unless 21st century
Enhanced: use full year in duedate field
Bugfix: month was not translated in datepicker
Bugfix: filter by multiple tags shows completed tasks when list settings was off
Bugfix: fixed incorrect look of selected tab in unauthorized mode
Bugfix: auth form size on windows was too small

v1.5 (2019-09-07)

Enhanced: use MySQLi routines instead of deprecated original API (thanks to Neil McGann)
Enhanced: use semicolons instead of commas as separator and add BOM in CSV export
Enhanced: little changes in error logging
Bugfix: escape formulas in CSV export (CVE-2019-13144)
Bugfix: mysql password was displayed in stack trace when connect failed

v1.4.3 (2014-01-28)

License changed to GNU GPL v2+
Bugfix: small fix in exception handler

v1.4.2 (2011-03-21)

Enhanced: always specify content-type header to override webserver defaults
Bugfix: can not change password in Opera

v1.4.1 (2011-02-15)

Enhanced: priority popup was disabled in style for mobiles
Bugfix: error while filtering by 2 tags or more in mysql version (thanks to Goran Trajkovic)

v1.4.0 (2011-01-25)

Added: you can open all task tab on page load using "list=-1" query string parameter or "#alltasks" or "#list/-1"
Added: need to confirm page close if task was edited and not saved
Added: ability to use feed of current tasks (without completed)
Enhanced: added date of task completion to RSS feed
Bugfix: show all tags not working in task add form if the form was opened for the first time

v1.4 beta 3 (2011-01-09)

Added: export to iCalendar
Enhanced: datetime according to timezone in CSV export
Bugfix: sunday was always the first day of week in duedate calendar
Bugfix: possible 'table is locked' sqlite error while setup
Bugfix: incorrect selectbox value for custom short date format in settings

v1.4 beta 1 (2010-12-31)

Added: all tasks tab
Added: sorting by date created and date modified (all sortings available in reverse order)
Added: tag preview feature
Added: can hide tab with Ctrl+click
Added: remember all notes visible or hidden during the session
Added: ability to use feeds of completed tasks and changed tasks
Added: back button in settings and task edit
Enhanced: multiple tags filter
Enhanced: tags filter can exclude tasks with specified tag (Ctrl+click on tag)
Enhanced: date format and timezone settings (thanks to Antonio Garcia Marin)
Enhanced: no modal window for task edit
Enhanced: readonly user can export the tasks from published list
Enhanced: readonly user can use sortings and "show completed tasks" toggle
Enhanced: show task priority in context menu
Enhanced: "export to csv" now in list menu
Enhanced: singletab toggle with Ctrl+click on the caller of menu for list selecting
Enhanced: add current tags to task add form when autotagging is enabled
Bugfix: incorrect task (un)completing after manual task reorder
Bugfix: incorrect menu and submenu handling
Bugfix: overflow of long name of list
and other changes...

v1.3.6 (2010-07-26)

Bugfix: not worked on IIS due to missed REQUEST_URI
Bugfix: incorrect tabs look in opera 10.60
Bugfix: removed unnecessary global var which made script not working in some cases

v1.3.5 (2010-05-11)

Enhanced: setup improved (mysql table prefix, additional checks and fixes)
Bugfix: more accurate task weight while (un)completing
Bugfix: added static method declaration to avoid PHP notices

v1.3.4 (2010-02-16)

Added: each list has own URL to open
Added: can use <b>,<i>,<u>,<s> html tags in task title and notes
Added: ability to delete completed tasks (thanks to merzhin)
Enhanced: added option in settings to show task dates
Enhanced: color of +1 priority changed to orange (thanks to merzhin)
Enhanced: changed name of session cookie and added config parameters for better integration into websites
Bugfix: mytinytodo was not working when opened as 'index.php'

v1.3.3 (2010-01-29)

Added: ability to change the order of tabs (thanks to Alexander Teague)
Added: support of right-to-left languages translations (thanks to Mostafa Khadem)
Added: can use single tab for all lists (select list in menu)
Added: state of show completed task checkbox stored in db
Added: export to csv
Added: experimental support of templates
Added: prefill add-task form from quick-add input (thanks to merzhin)
Enhanced: interface improvements in conext menu, tabs, task edit form
Bugfix: negaive x- and y- offsets of context submenu
Bugfix: incorrect size of newly added tab

v1.3.2 (2009-12-29)

Added: can move task to other list
Added: tasks' actions moved into new context menu
Added: show dates when the task was created and completed (in task edit)
Added: support of prefix for database tables
Enhanced: settings page can be localized in language pack
Enhanced: style for mobiles
Bugfix: incorrect sorting after 'rename list' and 'create list'
Bugfix: incorrect number of tasks shown after task completing, deleting or moving (in some cases)
Bugfix: sometimes incorrect loading of tabs after logout
Bugfix: "tabs blink" while pageload

v1.3.1 (2009-11-27)

Added: individual sorting for every tasklist
Added: ability to publish lists separetely
Enhanced: internal optimizations and some appearance enhancements
Bugfix: incorrect position of tags input on edit form in IE7
Bugfix: advanced add not worked in IE7
Bugfix: incorrect duedate formatting
Bugfix: tag cloud overflow
Bugfix: rss icon was in wrong place in firefox 3.0 and others

v1.3.0 (2009-11-01)

Added: Can change title in settings

v1.3 beta 3 (2009-11-01)

+ RSS 2.0 feed for new tasks
* Small interface changes
- Bugs fixed

v1.3 beta 2 (2009-10-22)

+ Support of multiple lists
+ Collapsible notes
+ Ability to show all tags to select in task editor
+ Complete form to create the task
+ Configuration editor
+ Can select database type to use while install
* Date/time format settings updated
* Minor changes

v1.2.7 (2009-09-23)

* Some redesign (rounded corners)
- Bugs fixed

v1.2.6 (2009-08-27)

+ Added config option to set first day of the week (Monday by default)

v1.2.5 (2009-08-23)

- Bug fixed

v1.2.4 (2009-08-22)

* Completed tasks now are located in the bottom of list, and are not draggable
- Bugs fixed

v1.2.3 (2009-08-18)

* Can resize window of task editing

v1.2.2 (2009-08-16)

* ajax error handling according to the error_reporting level

v1.2.1 (2009-08-14)

+ Can view error details by clicking on 'some error occurred' message
* Now it's not necessary to have enabled php option 'short_open_tag'
* setup.php does not support sqlite2 anymore

v1.2 final (2009-07-28)

* some filters combined into taskview selector
* db installer/updater combined into one file setup.php
- Bug fixed

v1.2 beta 2 (2009-07-19)

+ Calendar for due dates
* Changes in session handling
- Bugs fixed

v1.2 beta (2009-06-30)

+ Due dates and filters
+ Sortings
+ Clickable URLs
+ Tag cloud
+ Autotagging (when add task under tag filter)
* Number of priorities decreased to [-1,0,+1,+2]
* Some redesign

v1.1.1 (2009-05-27)

- Bugs fixed

v1.1 (2009-05-20)

+ Tags
+ Smart syntax
+ Style for mobile devices
* Sqlite version now uses sqlite3 (pdo_sqlite library)
* Search in the notes
* Some redesign of authorization process

v1.0 (2009-05-08)

+ Added password protection
* Changed format of language pack
- bug fixed

v0.9.1 (2009-05-03)

* Added some strings for translation
* Russian translation moved out from source

v0.9 (2009-05-02)

Preparations for the internationalization
* Configuration moved to separate file
+ Russian translation

v0.8 (2009-04-29)

First public release
+ Task notes
+ Sorting by drag-and-drop
+ 6 level priority
+ Search
+ Printer CSS